Wednesday 12 April 2017


William Richard Murray came to Australia with his parents and siblings in 1856, his father J.H. Murray taking up a position of teacher opening the first National School in 1866.   On 29th April 1876 E. N. Murray, brother of W. R. Murray, opened his hardware business in a small 12’ x 24’ shop. W. R. Murray acquired Charles Tuke’s general store in 1877 opened his own business in Church Street.  In this store the residents were able to purchase “Pianofortes and American Organs on easy terms and sewing machines on time payment, no interest” this was pioneering the field of selling by time payment.  About the same time E. N. Murray, brother of W. R. Murray, opened another hardware and crockery shop on the other side of the street selling hardware and crockery.

In 1884 the brothers join forces - E.N. Murray joining his brother on the site; this was the beginning of the firm “Murray Brothers”.  A furniture section was added to the many other branches of the business. They were importing goods, selling pianos & organs and manufacturing household items like clothes and jams.  At one stage the furniture and jam factories were located in the old Ice Works in Smith Street beside the river. Their progress resulted in Murray Brothers becoming a household name in Parramatta.

Murray Brothers purchased the Woollen Mill from the French family in 1887 for 2000 pounds and operated under the name of Parramatta Woollen Mill.  They installed the machinery acquired from the Byrnes Australian Mill in Granville.  Water from the nearby Hunts Creek was used for scouring the wool which was then dried in the sun, sorted, carded and woven into medal winning rugs and blankets.  Parramatta Woollen Mills won gold medals at Royal Agriculture show in Sydney in 1897, 1898 and 1899 for rugs and blankets. In 1908 Parramatta Woollen Mills won gold medal at Franco-British exhibition for uniforms. In 1911 the mill was sold to A. E. Daking Smith.

Murray Brothers employed over 100 people working in the shop and the various factories also the woollen mills.  The items supplied by these factories were sold in the shop.

In 1889 Murray Brothers erected Parramatta’s first shopping emporium on the corner of Church and Macquarie Streets at a cost of 10,000 pounds which supplied all trades.  Household items were also sold i.e. furniture and furnishing, crockery, pianos, organs, clothes and jams. In 1890s Murray Brothers received a Certificate of Merit for colonial made furniture by Royal Agriculture Society.

During 1903 Murray Brothers was divided into two companies, Murray Brothers Ltd. and Murrays Limited, maintaining separate but adjacent businesses.  Drapery and furniture was under the control of Murray Brothers and the hardware section under the control of Murrays Limited.  W. R. Murray became sole proprietor of Murray Brothers.  The plumbing section was taken over by T. H. Harvey and E. N. Murray and became Harvey and Sons Pty. Ltd.

During the Second World War Murray Brothers donated 1000 pounds to the war effort. 

A new store was built on the north west corner of Church and Macquarie Streets after the National School was demolished in c1924.  Murray Brothers acquired extra property in August 1958 at the rear and a four storey building was erected with a Marsden Street frontage.  Fire guttered the furniture factory at the rear of the store damaging stores of furniture and expensive cabinet making machinery. Damage bill running into many thousands of pounds.

In 1947, Murray Brothers manufactured their last consignment of Blind and Curtain.  Also that year the business was purchased by Burns Philp and Co. Ltd.

1st May 1954, Murray Brothers purchased the site from the Church of England for 250,000 pounds.  A store was built on the site while the land was still under the lease from the church.

Murray Brothers expanded to become Parramatta’s oldest and highly respected departmental store with the policy of supplying the needs of residents in and around Parramatta. Murray Brothers closed their doors in 1978 after 102 years of trading in Parramatta.  They stayed in the Parramatta location not spreading their wings into other suburbs.


T Kass, C Liston and John McClymont, Parramatta: A Past Revealed, Parramatta City Council, Parramatta, 1996

Murray Brothers, Vertical File, Local Studies and Family History Library, Parramatta Heritage and Visitor Information Centre

Photos from , Local Studies and Family History Library, Parramatta Heritage and Visitor Information Centre



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