Monday 24 April 2017


c. 40,000 BC Indigenous Australians arrive in Australia
1642 Abel Tasman discovers Tasmania
1688 William Dampier sails to Western Australia
1770 Captain Cook claims New South Wales for Britain
1787 A fleet of 11 ships sets sail from Portsmouth to Australia
1788 The first colony is founded in Australia
1790 A second fleet arrives
1791 A third fleet arrives
1793 The first church in Australia is built
1797 Merino sheep are brought to Australia
1803 The first Europeans land in Tasmania. The first Australian newspaper is printed.
A settlement is founded at Newcastle
Convicts rebel at Castle Hill
Hobart is founded
1808 The Rum Rebellion takes place
1813 A pass is discovered through the Blue Mountains
1817 The first bank in Australia opens
1824 The name Australia is officially adopted by the British Admiralty
1825 Brisbane is founded
1828 The first census is taken in Australia. There are 20,870 free settlers and 15,728 convicts.
Berrima is founded
Swan River colony is founded
1833 Bathurst and Goulburn are founded
1835 Melbourne is founded
1836 A colony is begun at Port Adelaide
1840 Transportation to New South Wales ends
1850 Sydney University is founded
Victoria is made a separate state from New South Wales
There is a gold rush in Victoria
1852 Transportation to Tasmania ends
1853 Melbourne University is founded
1854 The Eureka rebellion takes place
1860 Burke and Wills attempt to cross Australia
1861 The population of Australia reaches 1.2 million
1868 Transportation to Australia ends completely
1878 The first telephone call in Australia is made
1880 Ned Kelly is hanged
<1892 Gold is found in Western Australia
1900 The population of New South Wales is about 1.4 million.
1901 The Commonwealth of Australia is formed
1904 The first car race in Australia is held
1914-1918 The Anzacs fight in World War I
1917 A transcontinental railway is completed
1922 Queensland is the first state of Australia to abolish capital punishment
1927 Canberra becomes the capital of Australia
1928 The Commonwealth flying doctor service begins
1939-1945 The Anzacs fight in the Second World War
1948 Clothes rationing in Australia ends
1950 Petrol rationing in Australia ends
1951 Jean Lee is the last woman hanged in Australia
1954 Queen Elizabeth II is the first reigning monarch to visit Australia
1955 Eastern Australia is hit by floods
Television begins in Australia
The Olympic Games are held in Melbourne
1958 The first nuclear reactor in Australia opens
1962 Indigenous Australians are allowed to vote
1964 The last hanging in South Australia takes place
1966 Decimal coins are introduced in Australia
1967 The last execution in Australia takes place
1975 The Governor-General dismisses the Australian government
1992 The Mabo Judgement is made. Unemployment in Australia stands at 11.3%
1993 The Wik Judgement is made
Over 250,000 people walk across Sydney Harbour Bridge as a symbol of reconciliation
The Olympic Games are held in Sydney
2006 The Commonwealth Games are held in Melbourne


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