Monday 15 June 2015

Parramatta Gaol: Building layout, prisoner’s routine and employment - Part 3

Northern Sector:
Gatehouse – point to control the access of prisoners, visitors, staff and vehicle access to the gaol. Gatehouse was also the communication centre for calling prisoners to the visits. CC TV cameras were also controlled from the gatehouse.
Three radical accommodation wings
Wing 1 – app 10.8m2 and accommodate 30 long term prisoners
Wing 2 – app 9.3m2 and accommodate 30 cookhouse staff
Wing 3 – app 10.0m2 and accommodate 92 houses remand and reception prisoners

Administration buildings
Cookhouse – used to provide cooked food for Gaol inmates. Food was prepared in the cookhouse building and was taken to all the wings by trollies for distribution. Cookhouse had the facilities like kitchen area for cooking, vegetable and cold room, meat cold room and showers & toilets.
Chapel – chapel was not only used for service which was conducted by the Salvation Army but was also used for band practice, meditation and prisoners wedding.
Sports Yard
Bootshop – The bootmaker or Tinsmith building separate wings 1, 2 and 3 from wings 4, 5 and 6. The bootshop is been used for various things over the years. Tailor shop was at the first floor whereas ground floor was used for office, building maintenance workshop, prisoners canteen and television repair shop.
Three accommodation wings
Wing 4 – app 6.9m2 and accommodate 78 long term prisoners and prisoners under observation
Wing 5 – app 7.2m2 and accommodate 82 long term prisoners
Wing 6 – app 8.0m2 and accommodate 83 segregated and protected prisoners
Boilerhouse – used to generate the power for the prison complex. Later the building was used as printing workshop, light metal workshop, boiler room and store.
Stores and Ablution block building.

Stay tuned for part 4...

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