Monday 11 January 2016

The Petrel Papers

The Petrel Papers was a weekly shipboard newspaper produced on board the Parramatta during a voyage from London to Sydney (1882 -1883). The 'Parramatta' departed London 7 Oct. 1882 and arrived at Sydney on 3 Jan. 1883 under Captain Goddard. The journals contain contributions from passengers and crew including reports of shipboard activities and entertainments; details of the ship's progress including latitude, longitude, distances, temperature and barometer readings; verse and stories written by passengers.

The Petrel Papers was written and edited by John Maffey and was 'published' by being 'read aloud at the Saloon table during dessert' each Saturday. The manuscript newspaper was then circulated amongst the ship's passengers and crew. Though Maffey was supposed to have a committee of three to assist him with compiling the newspaper, he claimed he received neither assistance nor contributions. As his personal correspondence suffered as a result of the newspaper taking up most of his spare time, this copy of the newspaper was sent home for circulation to his family and friends.
Click on the link below to read The Petrel Papers:
Source: State Library of New South Wales

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