Monday 2 November 2015

Lackey Family – Granville


William Lackey and John Lackey were brothers natives of the North of Ireland arrived in New South Wales in early 1800s. William Lackey was a constable in Sydney and married Mary, the only daughter of John O’Dowd. Mary and William had a son John born on 6 October 1830 He later became Sir John Lackey.  In 1830 William Lackey was appointed as Gaol Keeper at Parramatta. At that time gaol was located on the west side of Church Street. Now it is Alfred Park Square. When the new gaol was opened, he was appointed as head gaoler.

In late 1830s William Lackey saw the opportunity to set up a business. He acquired land in the County of Cumberland and held the licences of several hotels; one on the Dog Trap Road near Guilford called Maurice O’Connell Inn. This Inn was locally known as “Lackey’s Pub”. William’s older brother john Lackey was managing the property. John Lackey was a constable on the Shoalhaven River. Hotel was not at a very good location. With the road diversion, clientele was limited to wood cutters, pedestrians, teamster or swagman. Lackey’s Club was the main revenue generator.  Industrial depression in 1840s and all timber cut out, forced the closure of Lackey’s pub. Customer numbers steadily dropped. John gave up the liquor licence and later on hotel was turned to wood carting. William Lackey disposed of most of his property to the O'Dowds before he became insolvent in 1843.

In the early 1860s William’s son John took over the hotel on the Dog Trap Road and most of the adjoining land (Granville) which he laid out as a vineyard and farm. In 1879, ‘Dog Trap Road’ was renamed as a Woodville Road to reflect John Lackey’s estate.

William was appointed as overseer on the Moore Bank Estate near Liverpool. He remarried and had a son and daughter by his second wife.  He lived there up to the time of his death, 30th December 1880. 

Terry Kass et al, Parramatta, A Past Revealed, Parramatta City Council, 1996
 John Watson, Granville, from forest to factory, 1992

Thomas Fowlie, History of Granville, 2001

Granville brotherhood, Progressive Granville: Its Brotherhood, 1915

Parramatta Heritage Centre Photos LSP00687

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