Monday 6 July 2015

Samual Pyers - Convict

Samual Pyers was born in 1771.  was tried on 13 Sep 1790 at Middlesex. He was sentenced to 7 yrs transportation. He arrived at Port Jackson on board the 'Active' (3rd fleet) on 26 Sep 1791. On 25th of October 1797, Sarah was tried and convicted at the Old Bailey. She was 14 years old at that time. Sarah Johnson was living with Samuel Pyers in 1801. On 2nd November 1801, Samual and Sarah were married by Rev Henry Fulton. In 1802 Samual's occupation was listed as a constable and later as a farmer. In 1805 Samual was listed as a land holder on Norfolk Island, holding 14 acres of land, 10¾ of which were in crops. On this land Samual had two dwelling houses as well as two outhouses. When it was decided to abandon the settlement on Norfolk Island the people were deported to Van Diemen's Land.

Samaual and Sarah and their three children: Richard, Mary and Sarah were removed to Hobart (5th embarkation) arriving there 1 Oct 1808. Samual was granted 30 acres of land in 1811 (in lieu of the land he had held on Norfolk Island) at New Town. In 1823 he received a grant of 50 acres in the district of Morvin, and 30 arces at Glenorchy. Samual and Sarah had another 5 children in Tasmania - Maria, Hanna, Samual, Susannah and George. They sold their 30 acres in Newtown in 1840 and moved to the Hamilton area where Sarah died 11 May 1840 from inflammation of lungs. She was 61 years old. Samual died at Fairydale on the 13 Aug 1850 at the age of 79. Both, Sarah and Samual are buried at St. Peter’s Hamilton.  

Four of his children were amongst the first settlers in Victoria. Richard, the eldest, along with his wife and two children settled at Portland in October 1839, Susannah and her husband, James Cook, at Gleneg River (Casterton)in 1839/40, George arrived in 1840 and lived at Buninyong before becoming a squatter in the Donald area. Samual also farmed in the Merino area and later in the Charlton District.

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