Tuesday 10 March 2015

WW1 - Indian Soldiers - Gabar Singh Negi

Gabar Singh Negi was born on 21st April in 1895  in Manjood village, in Northern India. He was 21 years old and a Rifleman in the 2nd and 39th Garhwal Rifles when he was awarded the Victoria Cross for his actions on 10th March 1915 at Neuve Chapelle, France. His bravery led to his death.

"During an attack on the German position, Rifleman Gabar Singh Negi was one of a bayonet party with bombs who entered their main trench, and was the first man to go round each traverse, driving back the enemy until they were eventually forced to surrender. He was killed during this engagement."

The Gabar Singh Negi fair is organised annually in Chamba (Tehri) in his memory.

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