Thursday 18 December 2014

WW1 - Indian Soldiers - Manta Singh

Manta Singh was born in the Punjab, northern India. Soon after leaving the school, he joined the 2nd Sikh Royal Infantryin 1907.  By August 1914, when the German army invaded Belgium and France, Manta held the rank of Subedar, and his regiment was part of the Indian Expeditionary Force sent to France

In March 1915 the Allies attacked Neuve-Chapelle and broke through the German front line. On the first day of the battle, British and Indian troops captured the town. British and Indian troops suffered 13,000 casualties in three days fighting. About 20 per cent of the Indian contingent – were killed in heavy fighting, and Manta Singh was injured in action after helping to save the life of an injured officer, Captain Henderson

Manta Singh was sent back to England, to a hospital in Brighton. The doctors told him that he would have to lose both his legs, as they had become infected with gangrene. Manta refused to think about going back to India with no legs – what use would he be to his family? Unfortunately, he died from blood poisoning a few weeks later. He was cremated in a ghat, according to Sikh beliefs.

In the Second World War, the sons of both of Manta Singh and In the Second World War, the sons of Manta Singh and Captain Henderson
served side by side and became lifelong friends served side by side and became lifelong friends.

In 1993 Manta Singh's son, Lt Col Assa Singh Johal, was part of a delegation of the Undivided Indian Ex-Servicemen's Association that visited the Indian war memorial at Neuve-Chapelle. Assa Singh said, "It was a moving visit of great sentimental value to us. We were able to remember and pay homage to the fallen in foreign lands."

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