Tuesday 11 November 2014

WW1 - Private Roland Walter Lofts

Roland Walter Lofts was born on 11th November 1898 in Parramatta. He is son of Edwin Arthur and Fanny E Lofts of Harris Street, Granville. .  Ronald was a draughtsman before enlisting at the age of 18. He was enlisted on 17th October 1917. His service number is 4861. He sailed for the front on 19th December 1917 travelling to England via Egypt, Italy and France. After undergoing a period of training in England he went over to France in July and was with his Battalion, the 4th Pioneers, near. Amiens. His parents received word from the military authorities that he had on 8th September severely fractured his ankle. Writing from the Kitchener Hospital, Brighton, Private Lofts informed his people that ‘he was making a good recovery and hoped to be back in France before long'. He served in France and came back to Australia on 5th February 1919.

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