Sunday 17 August 2014

Brislington House (Part 1)

Brislington is the oldest two-storey residence within the city limits of Parramatta.

1819:   Ex-convict John Hodges purchases land where Brislington House now stands.

            Hodges wins £1,000 in card game at Woolpack Hotel.

Construction of the two storey house is commenced.

1821:   The house is completed.

1825:   Hodges advertises the house for sale, “a large commodious two storey red brick building comprising four rooms on each floor with a variety of outhouses”.

1840:   Sir George Wigram Allen purchases the house and property.

1851:   Thomas Robertson resides in the house.

1857:   Local Doctor Walter Brown purchases Brislington House from Sir George Allen.

            Dr. Brown names the house, “Brislington”, after the suburb in Bristol, England.

            The Port Jackson Fig tree on the property was there when brown moved in.

1858:   Dr. Brown marries Sigismunda, and they set-up a doctors’ surgery in a down-stair front room.

1889:   Dr. Walter Sigismund Brown (second son of Walter Dr. Brown) marries Margret Macarthur and they take over the Brislington House residence and practice.

1890:   Keith Sigismund Macarthur Brown, (son of Walter and Margret) is born at Brislington House.

1897:   Dr. Brown dies, wife passes away in 1903.

1915:   Dr. Keith Macarthur Brown graduate from Sydney University Medical School.

1916:   Dr. K. Macarthur Brown marries Ayesha Borthwick and they reside in Brislington.

1919:   Dr. Keith Macarthur Brown after active service with the A.I.F. returns to Brislington as Dr. K. S. Macarthur Brown.

1947:   The Brown family, still in residence, are informed that the Parramatta Hospital will be resuming Brislington for expansion after 92 years of family occupation.

1949:   Brislington House becomes part of the Parramatta Hospital, nurses quarters.

1970:   White ants and borers create major damage.

            Plans to demolish the structure are considered.

1977:   An estimated $40,000 to 50,000 would be necessary to restore the building.

1983:   The Heritage Council issues a “preservation order” on Brislington.

1990’s Brislington is saved and is utilised as a Medical and Nursing Museum.

 Stay tuned for the next part ...

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