Wednesday 11 May 2016

John Farrell - World War One – Parramatta Soldiers

World War One – Parramatta Soldiers – John Farrell
Private John Farrell was one of three brothers who served in the First World War. Although John had been born in Wagga, at the time of his enlistment he was living in Mechan Street Granville, NSW, with his brother and sister. John was a carpenter by trade and unmarried.
On the 24 July 1916 he suffered a gunshot wound to his left thigh in France, and needed to be transferred to Graylingwell War Hospital in Chichester for treatment. He began his return to France by marching in from England, and proceeded to the front on the 4 October 1916, and rejoined his unit the 3 Battalion on the 12 October 1916.
On the 11 May 1917 he died in France of gunshot wounds and was buried in Grevillers, France.