Friday 26 September 2014

Indian Victoria Cross recipient in World War One

By the end of the war in 1918, a total of 47,746 Indians had been reported dead or missing and 65,126 were wounded. Participants from the Indian subcontinent won 13,000 medals, including 12 Victoria Crosses.  Out of 12 Victoria Cross medals – 9 were won by Indians

In 1914, Khudadad Khan  of 129th Duke of Connaught's Own Baluchis  became the first Indian to win a Victoria Cross. Other Indian Victoria Cross recipient soldiers are listed below:

Place of Action
Date of Action
Khudadad Khan
129th Duke of Connaught's Own Baluchis
Hollebeke, Belgium
Darwan Negi
39th Garhwal Rifles
Neuve Chapelle, France
Gabar Negi
39th Garhwal Rifles

Neuve Chapelle, France
Mir Dast
55th Coke's Rifles
Wieltje, Belgium
Chatta Singh
Garhwal Rifles
Battle of the Wadi, Mesopotamia
41st Dogras
El Orah, Mesopotamia
Shahamad Khan
89th Punjab Regiment
Beit Ayeesa, Mesopotamia
Gobind Singh
Garhwal Rifles
Peizieres, France
Badlu Singh
14th Murray's Jat Lancers
River Jordan, Palestine

Monday 1 September 2014

Indian Army - WW1

Soldiers from the Indian Army in the Royal Pavilion Hospital.

The Indian Army was reorganized by Lord Kitchener while he was commander-in-chief in India (1902-09). Kitchener established an army of 10 divisions (155,000) backed by an internal security force of some 80,000 troops. About a quarter of the infantry and cavalry troops and almost all artillery personnel in the army were British.
Two divisions and a cavalry brigade of the Indian Army was sent to the Western Front in September 1914. Of the 70,000 sent to France, 5,500 were killed and well over 16,000 wounded. As a result of a suggestion made by King George V, the Royal Pavilion in Brighton was converted into a hospital for wounded Indian soldiers. It has been claimed that several soldiers been brought in unconscious, woke up in the Banqueting Room, and thought they had died and were in Paradise.
Indian Army was also sent to Mesopotamia, Gallipoli, Western front,  Palestine, East Africa and Egypt.